I have just finished the full 9 courses and went to download cert but it is not available to me. Did I miss something or is it a bug.
I am also having this same issue. I get the same error.
We are working on fixing a bug that prevented issuing the cert, but we’ll be issuing the cert today.
Thank you,
Cert will not download for me as well
Thank you
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Thanks I issued your cert and DM’d it to you over Discord
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Thank you Paul!
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Hey there, I too am having an issue downloading the certifications. Any help is appreciated.
We have been aware that the issuing of the certificate was not working. We have fixed the issue and it should be working now. You should receive from now on an email like the following:
In case the certificate was not emailed then you can go to your Dashboard to download it.
Let us know if you have any issues.