I think this has been tripping me up because this field asks for the FQDN, but in this case it only works with the DN. Why is that?
I think this has been tripping me up because this field asks for the FQDN, but in this case it only works with the DN. Why is that?
The FQDN is because there’s no way for the server to revolve for the de server.
Let me double-check with @robert.hill on why the hostname works.
Robert, is this because of a Glue Record? Resolving via hostname and IP works but no FQDN.
Hello Matthew, Ricardo,
From the SVR-US-DNS1 server when you create the new delegation (video time 4:45) it’s asking you to type in the domain name DE. So what that means is that any queries that come into the SVR-US-DNS1 server will be forwarded to the DE domain, specifically to the SVR-DE-DNS1 server. I hope that makes sense. From the US server were you able to ping the DE server? Were you able to run nslookup svr-de-dns1.de.DNS-Zone.com. If so then you were successful creating your delegation.