Downloading and Installing Python 3 on Windows

The command prompt [object Object],[object Object],[object Object] doesn’t seem to work.
I can’t run the pip command with this command [object Object].

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Hey Yannickt,

This is definitely an issue with the site not showing code properly. We are investigating this issue. Thanks for reporting!


Hi Paul,

thank you. The Lab doesn’t seem to work as well.

The same issue with the code not showing properly in Chapter “Help! Python Keywords” under Python basics.

Hi @yannickt

Can you please check the Lab again? It is working now as well as the Lesson “Help! Python Keywords”.


Hi Ricardo,

I still get the same error message regarding the lab. But the lessons have been corrected and are fine so far now.


Let us check what can be he issue on the lab and will get back to you.

Thank you


If you’re trying to run pip, use the proper command like:

pip install package-name

Make sure that you don’t accidentally paste any invalid objects or code into the terminal.

Zoea :slightly_smiling_face: