Glitches on IT lab

If the Organizational Units were not correctly named or not created how did I create Paul Hill
I moved it to the disabled OU. I dont know whats wrong with the lab

Lab: Active Directory Users and Computers

Active Directory Users and Computers

Complete the steps below for the domain:

Create the following OUs under

  • serveracademy
  • Domain Users
  • Domain Computers
  • Disabled Users

Create and Manage AD Users

  • Create new user paul.hill under Domain Users
  • Add the Domain Admin group membership
  • Reset user password with AD and uncheck User must change password at next logon
  • Test log in of user
  • Disable the user account and move to disabled OU and test log in
  • Delete the user account

Hi @cameron3703

The first evaluation check is looking for the following OU structure


The evaluation check for the user paul.hill looks at the entire AD. You might be right that is not checking under Domain Users and we have corrected the script to check under Domain Users.
