Gpupdate question to anyone

After doing the labs and watching videos, I was curious, well I have not come across this or I have missed it.

Is there away to push or force push a Group Policy Update to client computers ?
I read that the Group Policy will update when a user next logs in to the computer.

I was just thinking that it seems like a tedious process to keep doing if changes are made.

Slight reference, My last job I had before taking many years off to be a stay at home dad, was for a TV station, I was an assistant Network Admin, but our network was setup by the Master Electrician/Enterprise Admin, who was VERY on point about everything working and no errors.
So most of the time I spent in the server room, was related to either new user setups or backup management, Server installs or Fileserver management.
TV stations are crazy to Network professionals, We had around 30 subnets packed with servers and client and production systems. Apple networks and apple clients so on so forth.
and we also had windows systems that could not be updated had to stay windows 7 due to the software they ran and the issue it could cause.
Long story short in those 4 years I never had to do a gpupdate on any clients, around 120 total.
this was back in 2009-2013

sort of short are there ways to push things to clients or servers ?

Thanks and sorry if it got boring :slight_smile:

I was curious if this command would work ?, My lab setup is just an actual server with 25 cal 2019 server on it, sadly my laptop is ubuntu atm and that’s a nightmare trying to connect it to an AD domain. So all I have to work with is the server, my VMBox has Ubuntu server only atm, which sadly I am novice at best atm.

PowerShell command
PS C:> Invoke-GPUpdate -Computer “Exampledomain\Workstation 01” -Target “John.Doe”

Thanks in advance.

Hi @andrewfox.texas

The way we do it is with gpupdate /force to force a push to all computers.

For most settings, you can accomplish this with the gpupdate command-line tool. You can specify that you only want to process computer or user settings with the /target switch, and the /force switch, which tells gpupdate to ignore version numbers and process everything.

You can also force a reboot or a log off if you’re processing settings that can’t update otherwise as you might have seen on some of the videos.

Just note that Windows 10 doesn’t go out and pull down all the Group Policy settings every single time. It checks the version numbers of the various Group Policy objects, and it only pulls down and applies GPOs that have changed since the last time the computer booted where the user logged on.

In PowerShell, the cmdlet, Invoke‑GPUpdate is a useful alternative to GPUPDATE in that you can specify one or many computers in a list. The command you previously posted should work per this Microsoft doc.
Schedule a Group Policy refresh on a remote computer


Cool, I appreciate the info, I may tax your brain on Linux one day, I like Linux a lot (Ubuntu mostly).
And Azure is pretty cool stuff, I’ve only every setup VM’s and left it at that.
I still have CCNET to cover and google cloud…
Just having to crash course so much Information to help me get a job now my kids are all at School, is hard, cram cram cram…
I though SCCM has a lot of info, but ugh Microsoft Word alone is insane.

Again Thanks for the Info, any help and links are always welcome, I’m catching up on a 10 year advance curve.

(I remember when I beta tested Windows 10)

Hey, not a problem @andrewfox.texas. I use Ubuntu as a daily driver on my main machine and just love Linux. Azure and Cloud computing in general is cool stuff I agree. Lot of things you can do in the cloud these days.

It reminds me of my study habits, one-day networking, one day cloud, another infosec, and ended up with a weekly schedule like when I was back at school. That keeps me busy and learning fast.

SCCM I believe will be going away in the near future. The new Microsoft way of doing things is with Intune, and it works neatly.
