Issue with Secondary Zone Lab

i have problem with the secondary zone lab,
i did the steps like what mentioned in the instruction. but i faced the problem

because the type was not set as primary, I changed it like the following pic

after that, I did the following step like the following pic

and as you see, I faced to error, would you please help me how to solve it?

it is necessary to say that I also tried the instruction without these changes but I faced the same problem as Selama mentioned in the previous post.

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My suggestions are for you to go back to the Video at time 3:26 and review the following:
You need TWO DNS servers to complete this task.
Your Primary DNS = SVR-US-DNS1
Your Secondary DNS = SVR-US-JD
The goal is to create a copy of from the primary to the secondary for backup purposes.
For this to work you must enable zone transfer on the primary copy of
Yo do this from the primary DNS1. Right-click on, properties, Zone Transfer, Allow Zone transfer.
Just follow the video from there and you should be successful.

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If you would like to practice this process I will be glad to create a VM for you, so that you can do this. It will take me some time to get this done. I will post when this has been setup

I am currently working on the lab.

Hi Robert,
thank you for the reply, but my problem is that I can not connect to the JD server, as you see in the picture it is related to the primary step of the creating procedure before the step that you mentioned in the time 3:26 of the create a second zone precedure.

Yes I also had trouble connecting to the JD server. I fixed that in my lab that I created. I was also able to copy the contents of from the primary server DNS-1 to the secondary JD server. I need to get with the SA folks and resolve several issues then I will let you know when the issue is fixed. Thanks for letting us know about this problem.


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Hi Robbert,

I appreciate your effort,
