Lab 25 installing and configure wsus problems with SAW01 with wsus

lab 25 part 2  installing and configure wsus saws01 does not show wsus in computer settings

After configuration sadc01 and sawus01 and when I login into saws01 for localuser and when I type the command prompt for gpresult/r it is supposed to show wsus client configuration but it doesn’t show at all and its for Add SAWS01 to WSUS for lab 25.

Hi @andrewjames21c

A this stage it might be a Group Policy Issue. Note that the SAWS01 is not joined to the domain. After joining it to the domain you will need to move the SAWS01 out of the Computers container to an OU like ServerAcademy > Domain Computers to apply the GPO.


As far as I can Tell it is a Syntax Error (Admin Mode) Command Prompt> gpresult /r
=> I do not believe gpresult/r will work