My PC gaming is not working

When I was downloading and using the virtualbox for my sccm some unexcpected has happen and that is my PC has died and all of my hard work for sccm is gone and I’m on this lesson. I’ve been troubleshooting my gaming pc.

I’ve tried taking out those ram but that one is ruled out. Then I tried taking out the gpu, any storage devices included sata devices and ssd. Then all is left is the motherboard and the psu in which it is the psu. should I try replacing the psu and if not, then I guess its the motherboard that would be replace.

Hi @andrewjames21c

I am sorry to hear that. In the case was a Motherboard or PSU then your work is saved on the Storage.

Is it a specific brand of PC? Sometimes the manufacturer has support KB to troubleshoot these issues.

If the PC was not having a surge protector it might be the PSU that went bad. There are some tricks to check if the PSU works but in either case, is the cheapest to replace and test first. Check the LEDs of the motherboard. Do they turn on? if it has fans, do those spin as well? You might even need to test out of the case these components. Do the Motherboard beep without memory? not sure if it will, but that will indicate that the motherboard is ok.


I would start your troubleshooting with a cmos clear. then move on to check seating of ram modules. after that it looks like a cpu or mother board issue. near bottom right corner of board is there multiple led like the green one. if there is they are a simple onboard diagnostic tool. Based of vid it looks like a cpu issue when cpu fan is not kicking on completely. Good luck i hope any of this helps in any way.


Hi I can confirm that my old motherboard is indeed dead and I took out the motherboard and tested only the cpu power, and connect to the monitor and it is indeed dead. I’ve recently purchased a new motherboard and build my own pc. I’m going to have to start a new virtualbox on my new pc and the processor is running on amd. Also since I’m starting all over again for the virtualbox installation should I download the windows 10 iso 1807 file or download the new windows 10 pro from microsoft store or would that create the sccm installation problem. @ricardo.p

Hi @andrewjames21c

Maybe the older version to be on the safe side. The latest versions might give some issues.


@ricardo.p that windows iso 1807 no longer works at all and that file on the virtuabox setup for iso 1807 is not replaced with new version

Check the following link for different Windows 10 versions you can use with Config Manager:

Support for Windows 10 in Configuration Manager