No link listed for SQL Reporting Services

Based on Video 55: Role Based Administration

Upon reaching this exercise, in Monitoring > Reporting > Links

No link to the SQL Reporting Services is displayed.

Steps taken: 1. Ran SQLServerReportingServices.exe > Repair > Rebooted,

  1. Opened Report Server Configuration Manager > Web Service URL (See Photo)

    Attempted to use provided link with admin credentials

  2. Opened Report Server Configuration Manager > Web Portal URL and attempted the provided link there image received this error message image

What additional configurations do I need to make so I can complete the exercise and access the should be appearing for SQL Reporting Services?


I have reviewed the lecture Role Based Administration. There was no reference to the Reporting server. Please advise.
The reporting services point role will not be needed (in the lab) or installed until you get to the Endpoint Protection Server Configuration and Installation lecture Video time 6:32.
Most of the time problems related to “Reporting Services Errors”, can be fixed by installing or uninstalling and reinstalling the reporting services point role. You can refer to Time 6:32 or wait until you get to that lecture.
I hope this helps,

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Correction on my Part: Video 56 “Assigning a User Collections” around the 6 min mark. If SQL Server Reporting Services access is not required till the series of Endpoint Protection Server Configuration exercises, then I will proceed to the next video.

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Sounds good, let me know if you have additional issues.

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