Struggling to get win 10 client on domain

Hello I have win 10 and server 2016 running inside Oracle virtual box. I followed the guide from server academy on server basics but im stuggling to get the win 10 client connected to the domain.

I followed the guide you guys published and used the same IP as you mentioned but im struggling

Any help gratefully accepted


HI @sas-parmar,

So you installed AD DS on your server and made your server as domain controller?
I was getting DNS server error when I tried doing same thing on my AWS computers. Did you change DNS server ip on both the Windows Server and WIndows 10?

Also, if you created virtual box machines, did you create NAT network and used same network for both the machines?

Which error are you getting?

Thank You

Hi @sas-parmar

Try to make sure both server’s IP addresses are within the same IP subnet and try to ping between them.
To join Win10 to the domain make sure the DNS is set to the Win Server IP.

Feel free to post your configuration screenshots.


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I get a domain controller cannot be connected and it moans about DNS also

Yes I set both machines to use nat network. So do your mean the preferred dns should be the IP of the server? is that what you mean? Also does it matter what the gateway is?


That’s correct, the Win10 client DNS IP Address needs to be the Server IP Address to resolve the names.
It does not matter what the gateway is since both servers are on the same NAT network.
