The very first Lab

Hello, im brand new and having issues with the first lab. I am getting this error;

Unable to execute script within virtual machine Lab23207447-Installing Windows Server 2016 (Desktop Experience). The credentials passed to PowerShell are invalid.

I am on a Mac and wondering if that is the issue …lol Anyway if any one can help I would greatly appreciate it.

Hi @surandrew777 and welcome to ServerAcademy!

It is not a Mac issue. It is most likely the password used when installing Windows Server. Try it with the Lab password of Pa$$w0rd for the Administrator account. You can find it in the Resources Tab on the right.

Happy learning!


Hello, so I figured it out and it might be an issue, or maybe I’m the only one who has done this? I used the correct password except instead of a zero I used Capitol O. Now this password actually worked and installed the program, instead of giving me the wrong password. So I would get to the end and fail the lab. I finally tried a zero and passed the lab. Hopefully, this can help someone in the future. Or maybe fix the bug. Thanks

Thanks for your feedback @surandrew777

I am glad you completed the lab without errors.