Windows Server Backup restoration

I have been trying to perform a backup recovery for about a week now but has been getting the error message “the value for the parameter or option: version is missing” anytime I run the wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version -authsysvol command.

Any ideas please?


Hi @divinek

Maybe the command is missing some parameters. Are you typing it like the following?
wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:04/30/2013-09:00 -backupTarget:\servername\share -machine:server01

If that’s the case does the backup work for you? I’ll try to replicate it in the IT Lab. It might be that something is missing in the command.

Reference commands:


I checked and these two should work.

wbadmin start systemstatebackup -backuptarget:\DE01\Backups
wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:10/25/2022-14:25

To check for the version you can use:
wbadmin get versions

If you still have issues post a screenshot. I was trying to find that error message but it is not on Google.


Hello Ricardo,
Thanks for your message.

I don’t have any problem with performing the state backup, which you can see from the image as I was able to retrieve the version identifier, using the wbadmin get versions command.

My issue is has been with the state recovery. I have attached a screenshot, I hope it’s helpful.


Interesting, let me check on the lab and get back to you.

Hi Ricardo,
Don’t worry about this, I think it was the lab that might have been playing up.

I decided to complete the lab without checking each step. I scored 100% upon submission, suggesting the command was right, after all.

Thanks for help anyway.


That’s great @divinek. That’s for posting back :slight_smile: